A bouquet of Garden Rose Alabaster 40cm is a breathtaking sight that will captivate the hearts of your customers. The delicate petals of these white roses are reminiscent of freshly-fallen snow, while their slightly pearlescent hue evokes the beauty of a shimmering winter sky. With a unique elegance and charm, these blooms are perfect for any special occasion and will make a stunning addition to any floral arrangement. Let your customers enjoy the beauty of nature with these gorgeous Garden Roses.
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Sep 19
A bouquet of Garden Rose Alabaster 40cm is a breathtaking sight that will captivate the hearts of your customers. The delicate petals of these white roses are reminiscent of freshly-fallen snow, while their slightly pearlescent hue evokes the beauty of a shimmering winter sky. With a unique elegance and charm, these blooms are perfect for any special occasion and will make a stunning addition to any floral arrangement. Let your customers enjoy the beauty of nature with these gorgeous Garden Roses.
Product Source: Colombia
Category: Garden Rose
99999 In Stock
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