The delicate beauty of Light Pink Majolika Spray Roses will be the perfect addition to any floral arrangement. These exquisite roses, with their creamy petals, are reminiscent of a perfect summer day spent in a meadow, surrounded by the gentle whisper of the breeze. Their subtle hue is the perfect accent to any event, from a summer wedding to a bridal shower. With their full blooms and captivating scent, these roses are sure to bring delight to your customers. Order yours today from your trusted flower wholesaler and be sure to make your event a memorable one.
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Feb 11
Sprays Light Pink Majolika 50cm
The delicate beauty of Light Pink Majolika Spray Roses will be the perfect addition to any floral arrangement. These exquisite roses, with their creamy petals, are reminiscent of a perfect summer day spent in a meadow, surrounded by the gentle whisper of the breeze. Their subtle hue is the perfect accent to any event, from a summer wedding to a bridal shower. With their full blooms and captivating scent, these roses are sure to bring delight to your customers. Order yours today from your trusted flower wholesaler and be sure to make your event a memorable one.